Month: October 2021

Lab outing

Lab outing

It has been a while since we last had an outing. We went bowling this time and had a great time. The boss was on a row!

#labouting #bowlingscientists

New Cooperation Pub with the Djamei Lab @effectomics

New Cooperation Pub with the Djamei Lab @effectomics

The Pleiades are a cluster of fungal effectors that inhibit host defenses

Biotrophic plant pathogens secrete effector proteins to manipulate the host physiology. Effectors suppress defenses and induce an environment favorable to disease development. In this paper we describe the functional characterization of the pleiades, a cluster of ten effector genes. Merope1, which is encoded in the Pleiades cluster, targets and promotes the auto-ubiquitination activity of RFI2, a conserved family of E3 ligases that regulates the production of PAMP-triggered ROS burst in plants.